Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Job Interview Thank You Notes 101

Job Interview Thank You Notes 101 OverviewJob Interview Thank You NotesAfter every job interview, its critical to follow up with a thank you note to the person that interviewed you. Thank you notes are not just common courtesy; they are essential elements of the interviewing process.Your smart competitors will be sending them and employers may hold it against you if you fail to follow up with a thank you. They may view you as uninterested, lazy, or impolite.In fact, sending a thank you letter or thank you email can make the difference between getting the job and getting passed over. Its your opportunity to remind the interviewer of your interest in the job and the top qualifications that set you apart from other applicants.The following tips will help you craft a great thank you note for any job interview.TIP 1Dont ProcrastinateSend a thank you email immediately after the interview. You want to reinforce your good impression (or strengthen your not-so-good impression) in your employers mind while the memory of the in terview is still fresh. If possible, send your thank you note within 24 hours of the interview.If you find yourself struggling to write the perfect thank you note, remember that its more important to send a good thank you note promptly than to send a great thank you note after the interviewer has already eliminated you from the running. Do the best you can in the time you have. The tips below will help you.TIP 2Customize Your Thank You NotesWhen writing your thank you note, its important to keep your reader in mind her personality, her level within the organization, and her top priorities for the job in question. This reader focus will serve you well in choosing both format and content for your thank you. While an email thank you note is standard these days (and will reach your recipient much sooner), there may be times when a handwritten note or card may help differentiate you from other candidates. Some candidates opt to send both in these situations. Think about what seems most appropriate for your interviewer.You also must customize the tone of your letter for each interviewer. You dont want to send a stiff, formal thank you letter to a 28-year-old techie manager. You also dont want to be too casual or familiar if your interviewer was a 60-year-old CEO in a three-piece suit.Every thank you note should begin with a sincere expression of appreciation. For example: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. See below for what should come next to turn a thank you letter into another opportunity to sell yourself for the position.TIP 3Your Thank You Letter is a Sales LetterYou must look at your thank you note as a marketing/sales opportunity. This may be your last chance to influence the interviewer and convince him to bring you back for a second interview or even extend a job offer.Heres how: After expressing your thanks for the interviewers time and interest (see above), concisely reiterate why you want the job, why you think you are the best c hoice for the job, what you can give to the company that other applicants can’t, and any other selling points for this particular position.If you were paying attention in the job interview, youll know which details will be most compelling for your interviewer. Use the thank you note to add important details that you forgot to mention (or the interviewer forgot to ask about) or to reinforce the aspects of your background that seemed to impress the interviewer. If you are one of a crowd of candidates, dont assume that the interviewer will remember all of the details. It never hurts to reiterate your strongest points.Just remember to keep the letter short and to the point. If you try to include too much detail, you will lessen the impact.Also, dont forget to communicate enthusiasm and interest in the job. This is especially important if you feel you were stiff in the interview. Show interest, but not desperation. Its okay to say that you would love to have the opportunity to work for a great firm like Company X or take on such an interesting role. Its not okay to say you really need a job right now and youll do whatever it takes to get an offer. Show confidence in your qualifications even if you have to fake it.Close by providing your contact information and expressing your willingness to provide additional information as needed or meet with other decision makers. Its also fine to politely inquire about next steps in the process if the interviewer didnt provide that information in the meeting.Special Note: Remember that you should write separate thank you notes to each interviewer even if you participate in a group or panel interview or meet with three separate people in a row at the same firm. Each person will play a role in the decision-making process. Address each separately and tailor your thank you notes to address the different individuals and their specific priorities/concerns.TIP 4Pay Attention to DetailsAlways, always proofread your thank you letter a nd make sure everything is spelled correctly, including names. Do NOT rely on your spell check tool. If you don’t know how to spell a person’s name, call the office and double check. Nothing is worse than misspelling somebody’s name in a thank you letter.Finally, make sure you have the right name in the salutation. Dont send an email to Bob that leads off with Dear Fred. When youre sending lots of thank you notes, this mistake is common, but it makes you look sloppy.If you follow the advice above, a simple thank you note can greatly improve your odds of scoring a job offer or a second interview. Good luck!

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